If you’re looking for a way to keep track of the time on your Nest hub, you may be interested in using a fullscreen clock. This type of clock can be found on many devices, such as the Apple iPhone and Android devices, and it can be used to display time in a variety of ways. One way to use a fullscreen clock on your Nest hub is to connect it to your home’s Wi-Fi and use the Google Home app to control its display. You can also set up a schedule for when the clock will show up on your Nest hub, or you can set it as an alarm. If you’re not comfortable using a phone or computer to control a fullscreen clock on your Nest hub, there are other ways to get time displayed on your device. One option is to connect an LED light strip to one end of an ethernet cable and plug it into one of your Nest hubs. The other end of the light strip should be connected to an outlet and the Google Home app. You can then use the Google Home app or the LED light strip to control how long each hour looks for each day.
The Google Photos and Art Gallery “Photo Frame” options do include a small clock in the corner of the display. However, that might not be big enough for you, or maybe you just don’t want to have photos on the display.
To put a fullscreen clock on the display, you’ll need to open the Google Home app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone or tablet. Find your Google Nest Hub in the list of devices.
Now, tap the gear icon in the top-right corner to open the Settings.
Next, go to the “Photo Frame” settings.
There will be three Photo Frames to choose from. The one that we want is “Fullscreen Clock.”
There are several clock faces to choose from in a variety of colors and styles. Select the one that you want to use and then tap the back arrow.
It’s as simple as that! You’ll see the new clock face appear on your Nest Hub.
Google makes it easy to customize the display so that it matches the environment of whichever room you put it in. Keep in mind that this can only be adjusted from the Google Home app and not on the smart display itself.
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