If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of photos on your phone. But if you’re like me, you also have a lot of photos that you don’t want to keep on your phone. You can easily upload them to Dropbox, and then access them from anywhere in the world.

If you regularly take photos on your phone or tablet, uploading them to a cloud service like Dropbox makes it much easier to access them on your PC or other devices. Dropbox actually has a feature that uploads all your photos automatically, as you take them.

You can do this on both Android as well as iOS devices.

On Android

First, open the Android Dropbox app and tap the three lines in the upper-left corner.

A pane will slide out from the left edge. Now, tap the gear icon in the upper-right corner to access the settings.

With the Dropbox settings open, scroll down to “Camera uploads” and note there are four options.

The first option simply lets you turn camera uploads on or off. When this option is on, photos and even videos will automatically be uploaded when you take a photo.

The next option lets you choose between uploading photos and videos or just photos only. If you upload videos, remember they are larger and will not only take longer to finish, but also use more data, so if you have a data cap, you probably don’t want to upload videos.

The next option can also circumvent data cap problems. You can pick between uploading via Wi-Fi only, or both Wi-Fi and data.

Finally, it’s important to know that uploading consumes battery, so if you’re trying to conserve, then you can decide at what battery level uploading occurs, or if it only happens while the device is charging.

On iOS

Let’s switch over to the iPhone, which features options very similar to what you will find on Android. To access the upload options, tap the gear icon in the upper-left corner of the app.

Now tap on “Camera Uploads” to access the settings.

For the most part, the camera upload settings nearly mirror what you get on Android, with the exception of the battery saver feature.

First, you can turn camera uploads on or off, then you can elect to include videos, upload over cellular data, and upload videos over cellular data. Finally, there’s the option to use background uploading, meaning that when you take photos (and videos), they will upload when the Dropbox app isn’t open.

You may have noticed that background uploading needs to access your location to work properly. To make sure Location Access is enabled.

To do this, first open your device’s settings and scroll down to Dropbox.

Now, in the Dropbox settings, check to make sure Location is enabled.

Regardless of whether you use Android or iOS, your photos and videos will uploaded and saved to your “Camera Uploads” folder. Also, when you take screenshots, they too will be uploaded.

Dropbox’s camera uploading is a great way to make sure your photos and videos are automatically preserved, particularly if you only use Dropbox in lieu of other cloud storage services.